NDA 73rd RC Shortlisted Candidates for AFSB Interview 2021/2022 [PDF]


Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA) 73rd Regular Combatant Course (RC) List of Shortlisted Candidates for the Armed Forces Selection Board (AFSB) Interview Exercise for 2021/2022 Academic Session [Download in PDF] | NDA AFSB Shortlisted Candidates for Interview – 2021/2022 PDF Download.

The Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA) has released the full list of shortlisted candidates for the armed forces selection board (AFSB) interview exercise for the 2021/2022 academic session.

NDA AFSB Interview exercise has been scheduled to commence from Saturday 14th August25th September 2021 at the Nigerian Defence Academy Ribadu Campus, Kaduna.

The NDA 73rd RC AFSB List contains names of shortlisted candidates to appear for the interview exercise as scheduled above.
NDA 73rd RC Shortlisted Candidates for AFSB Interview Exercise 2021/2022 [Download in PDF]

Click Here to Download in PDF.

NB: Candidates will appear before the AFSB in 3 Batches.