As you are aware, the institution resumes for the continuation of the 2019/2020 Academic session on Saturday 14th November 2020.
Consequently, lectures and revisions start on Monday 16th November, while the first-semester Exam commences on Monday 23rd November 2020.
In view of the above, all students both Regular and part-time are directed to complete payment of their school fees to enable them to sit for the exams.
Furthermore, all payments made must be receipted for and evidence of the payment obtained.
Note that any student that does not pay his/her school fees and present evidence of payment would not be allowed to sit for the first semester and subsequent semester exams for the 2019/2020 session.
All Deans, Directors, Heads of Department, school officers, and other relevant units of the institution concerned are directed to ensure strict compliance of the above management’s directive by every student
Please be guided accordingly
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